Sunday, December 25, 2005

Why a blog?

Why a blog? Because there weren't enough blogs already, obviously.
I decided to add my voice and see what happens and where this blog takes me.

<------This is a picture of me and friends in ... 'Brel, guess which one is me. Clue: I am the one who burns and peels in the summer. I used this pic to introduce my blog, because it was watching a tape of this production that was the final straw against my resistance to talk about theater. I don't think I ever watched this video, even when I first got it in the early 90s. Wow, I am older and wiser and a better singer. But I have not been involved in theater for many years except for singing concerts with various groups. I need to find a way back....perhaps working with kids, we shall see.

I met all three of the people in this picture when I was doing a production of NINE. I auditioned for Michael who was sitting in the the darkened audience and said, when I finished singing, "you have an absolutely beautiful voice". You've gotta love a director who says such a thing to you in an audition.

The guy with the long Black hair was Leslie McMillen Perez, who played Guido. The pretty woman behind me is Ann Jackson who played his mother. The other tall handsome guy is Jeff Morell, who was not in the show, but was Michael's S.O. and so he would come to rehersals and during the times when Michael would try to stage a "dance" number, when my body just would not go in the right direction, Jeff would make motions for me to follow and mouth directions to me. Jeff, Michael, Bob, Larry, Leslie, Ann, very lucky I was to audition for that show and how lucky I am to have a record of Leslie, Ann, Jeff and I all singing together in 'Brel.

Later, after Nine had run its course Leslie and Ann got involved in this production of Brel and when they were looking for two other people who could sing, they thought of Jeff and I... at least that's how I think we all ended up working together again.